We have found this pet’s record

We found a pet record for this tag. Below is all of the information that the Pet Owner has currently made available online to those who look up the Tag ID. If you have spotted this pet or currently have this pet in your possession, please do one of the following:

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Rocky is lost!

Lost Date September 23rd, 6:00am
Wearing collar? Yes
Wearing DocuPet tag? No
Last seen at 83 Gosling Gardens, Guelph, ON, Canada
Rocky was let outside late night of Sept 22, he always came back in the morning for food, but never did. Very worried and want him back home. For those who live in the area, please take the time to look in your garages, shed and under decks and bushes. Cats can fit in tight spaces as small as your fist! Please search thoroughly and use flashlight to reflect eyes if he's in your yard! Call anytime and send picture if possible to confirm his identity. He was wearing a bright blue collar with a gold name tag, but it could have fallen off. Please help!


pet found at marker location on map


Rocky, a orange and white tabby Domestic Shorthair Cat
Tag Code H9XLJ (Expired)
Breed Domestic Shorthair
Species Cat

Basic Information

Colour orange and white tabby
Gender Male
Spayed/Neutered Yes
Microchip Number 982000410514037
Pet Date of Birth 08/18/2017
Pet Biography Rocky is a friendly boy, pretty social with people. Not a fan of traffic. Very vocal and loves food.

Owner Information

Owner Name Karen Rush
Phone Number (519) 822-9530
Home Address 83 Gosling Gardens
Guelph ON N1G 5E7

Pet Care Information

Medical Information

Veterinarian Speedvale Pet Hospital