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Good news! Anonymous Pet has been found!

Lost Date August 20th, 8:27pm
Wearing collar? Yes
Wearing DocuPet tag? Yes
Last seen at 47 Balmoral Drive, Guelph, ON, Canada
Found Date September 1st, 12:08pm
Mona is a very timid kitty. She is black with a tuff of white on neck and tummy. She is very long and tall and slight( weighs 8- 8.5 lbs. She will not let anyone pick her up that she doesn't know. She has a bluish/purple collar on. She may be in a shed, or garage or under a deck in the area of Balmoral Drive.


pet found at marker location on map

Anonymous Pet

This pet's privacy settings have been configured not to display information on their public profile.
Tag Code ZFZVK, C0259KAO, C0259KAO, C0259KAO
Breed Domestic Shorthair
Species Cat

Basic Information

Colour Black with white under neck( a little bit heart shaped) and small patch on tummy.
Gender Female
Spayed/Neutered Yes
Microchip Number 982 000 410 320 629
Pet Date of Birth 06/20/2018
Identifying Markings white under chin looks like a heart
Coat very sable looking and shiny
Pet Biography Mona is very affectionate but, shy and timid. She weighs about 10 Lbs and has amber eyes She doesn't like to held by people that she doesn't know. She may be skittish, but loves treats and bells. These sounds may entice her to come.

Owner Information